Expanded Metaphysical Science / Spiritual Philosophy / Metaphysical Education

A Metaphysics Doctoral Degree Will Aid Your Life and Career in Many Ways

Expanded Accelerated Metaphysics PhD Degree Program 


Doctoral Metaphysics PhD Degree Program. Metaphysics degrees. Metaphysical degrees.This expanded Metaphysical Science degree is a popular metaphysics path for a variety of specializations and is excellent for students who desire to write books, do training or speaking, conduct metaphysical science and research, research human behavior and culture, pursue philosophy, or are simply interested in a general metaphysics degree.

Get your degree in Metaphysical HypnosisThis expanded degree has eight predetermined courses and 11 elective courses. This makes it even more "customizable" to fit your specific learning requirements. With this degree, you can choose any number of course paths to fit your career objectives. For example, you could choose the same course line-up as Spiritual Counseling or Paranormal Leadership. The only difference is that your master's and doctoral diplomas will state "Metaphysical Science" (or one of the other two specializations below) rather than "Spiritual Counseling" or "Paranormal Leadership". You will still receive all the certifications that go with the relevant courses.

Primary Doctoral Degree is: (will be printed on your Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral diplomas)

Doctor of Metaphysical Humanistic Science

Specializing in: (will be printed on your Master's and Doctoral diplomas. Choose one)

Metaphysical Science MHs.D or PhD

Spiritual Philosophy MHs.D or PhD

Metaphysical Education MHs.D or Ed.D or PhD

You will earn the following certifications/designations in this Expanded Degree Program:

  • Certifications and designations depend on the elective courses you choose for your degree.


19 Required Courses

Nineteen courses are required for a Bachelor's and Master's Degree. For a Doctoral degree, the Doctoral Degree Assignment is required. The courses below have been pre-determined for this specific degree. More information about each course is provided on the Course Descriptions page or the IMHS Catalog. Students are also free to take additional courses beyond the 19 required to graduate if desired.

  1. MHs.B1: The Nature of Metaphysics

  2. MHs.B2: Metaphysical Self-Mastery

  3. MHs.B3: Metaphysical Intercommunication

  4. MHs.B4: Metaphysical Principles of Enhanced Relationships

  5. MHs.B5: Metaphysical Critical Thinking and Self-Direction

  6. MHs.M2-1: Advanced Metaphysical Concepts Course 1

  7. MHs.M2-2: Advanced Metaphysical Concepts Course 2

  8. MHs.M3: Metaphysical Psychology

  9. Elective Course

  10. Elective Course

  11. Elective Course

  12. Elective Course

  13. Elective Course

  14. Elective Course

  15. Elective Course

  16. Elective Course

  17. Elective Course

  18. Elective Course

  19. Elective Course

  • MHs.D1: Doctoral Degree Assignment (review of what you learned in the program. It is our version of a dissertation)

Course Descriptions page

